I just had her step on our home scale to see how accurate it was, it said she was 29 lbs. Although, it says something different for me when I step on our home scale compared to the scale at the doctor's office - like it's at least 5 lbs off, and let's just say that I favor my scale reading compared to the doctors :) Anyway, I am not totally sure it's accurate, but if it is...Tryn only weighs 5 lbs more than Berlin does. It says she weighs 34 lbs. Now THAT is small for an almost 5 year old.
The fact that Berlin has had a huge growth spurt combined with the fact that Tryn is still wearing the same size shoes as she was last summer, still fits quite comfortably into 4T clothing, and is only 5ish lbs more than her just under two years younger little sister means that these girls are closer to being the same size than they ever have been.
In fact, several times in the past few weeks, I would say almost every time I bring them to a store, someone asks me if they are twins. Yesterday when I was walking out of Cub Foods a guy said to me, "Awesome! You have twins!" and just kept walking. I always explain that I don't have twins, but I am starting to think that I should maybe play it up while I can. I mean, don't you think that people who have twins are like, so cool because they are still sane when their kids reach toddler age? And that must mean that they are super heros or something? If people want to think that of me, I might as well let them ;)
In this picture Tryn definitely looks much bigger than Berlin, but her bike is also much bigger...maybe this means that Berlin is ready for a two-wheeler? Considering how accident prone Berlin is, I don't think I can handle that stress right now. I think we'll wait :)
Cute pic :)
Ethan is 10 months and 24.6 lb. Just saying, you have tiny sweep little ladies. : )
Think of what people will think of me (like people here in Eastern Europe) when they see me with my kids: Cece, who doesn't look anything like me, and two boys look exactly the same!
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