Monday, May 4, 2009

Caption please!

I took a load of pictures at Steve's softball game tonight, several of which I will be posting in the next day or two. However, I just couldn't wait with this picture:

I mean, seriously. Don't you think this picture is just crying out for a great caption?? I don't have any fabulous prizes to give away for the best, but I would love to hear your thoughts on what this picture should be titled. It's just too funny!!


Quadruple Life said...

"32 A or B, I just can't decide!"

David James Stewart said...

"Business Time!!!!"

Trish said...

"when i grow up...'

Kayla said...

I don't think so babe, these are MINE!!!

amy + ryan said...

baby got balls

Kristina said...

hey- no peeking :)

Andy said...

Oh how the times of changed, Women used to stuff their bra's with tissue. This must be a form of desperation.

omabear said...

"Don't even try me, I know the rules!"

opabear said...

Mine-don't EVEN think about it!!